Labour Action Updates


We value the hard work and dedication of support staff. They are integral members of school communities, and we appreciate everything they do to support student success.

February 6/2025
Cease and desist application brought by The Sturgeon School Division affecting the Canadian Union of Public Employees, Local 4625 – Board File No. GE-09341

Consent Order:
The Union and its members shall not directly impede, obstruct or delay school buses the access to, or exit from, the property of the School Division.

What's happening now?

On Tuesday, January 14, 2025, CUPE Local 4625, representing support staff in schools, has withdrawn all labour services and moved to a full strike, effective immediately. While schools will remain open, this action may affect some services and supports.

Key Areas of Potential Impact

  • Specialized Programming and Diverse/Complex Needs Support: Adjustments to programming will be necessary. Schools will contact affected families directly.

  • Pre-Kindergarten Programming: Morning and afternoon programming is suspended until further notice.

  • Extracurricular Activities: These may be impacted. Each planned experience or activity will be reviewed by the school principal to determine if it can safely continue.

  • Transportation Services: While regular transportation will continue initially, routes may shift over time. No transportation will be provided for Pre-Kindergarten as that program is suspended.

  • Supervision and Arrival/Departure Procedures: Parents are advised to allow extra time due to potential delays caused by picketing. Designated drop-off areas will be supervised to ensure student safety.

  • Joint Use Activities: Prescheduled Joint-Use Activities may be able to continue. Each school principal will review the details of the activities, and consider the unique situation of their school to determine if these activities can continue. Further communication will follow directly to groups involved.

What we are doing to support continued learning

We understand that this strike will have an impact on schools and student learning. It is our collective goal to have learning continue in the best way possible given our circumstances, and we are actively working towards a resolution to this job action.

  • Schools have contingency plans to ensure that learning continues, and we are working diligently to support the safety of students. For the majority of students, learning will remain in-person.

  • Schools have already been in contact with the families of students who may be moving to at-home learning to support safety. If you have questions about your individual circumstances, contact your child’s school.



Sturgeon Public Schools has been working together with CUPE Local 4625 since 2021 to reach a collective agreement on matters that are important to the local. Steps have been taken to address key issues between the parties, which included having a mediator appointed to work towards a collective agreement. 

Recent events

January 14, 2025 

  • CUPE Local 4625 has withdrawn all labour services and moved to a full strike, effective immediately beginning Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

January 13, 2025 

  • Job Action commences at all school locations from 7:30 am to 9:00 am followed by a work-to-rule for the remainder of the day.

January 9, 2025

  • CUPE Local 4625 gives 72-hour strike notice.

December 11–20, 2024

  • CUPE Local 4625 holds Information Pickets at different school locations on different mornings before school hours.

October 30, 2024

  • The Labour Relations Board has confirmed the results of the vote. CUPE membership voted in favour of striking.

October 25, 2024

  • CUPE Local 4625  - strike vote to takes place online 6:00 am to 9:00 pm electronically

October 24, 2024

  • Schools support learning as many CUPE Local 4625 members attend a rally at the Alberta Legislature.

October 17, 2024

  • CUPE Local 4625 - notification from the Labour Board that CUPE had applied for a strike vote.

October 7, 2024

  • CUPE Local 4625 rejects the Mediator's Recommendation

October 4, 2024

  • Sturgeon Board of Trustees ratified the mediator’s recommendation

September 21, 2024

  • Mediator provides recommendation to CUPE Local 4625 and Sturgeon Public School Division

February 7, 2024

  • Mediator is appointed

June 17, 2021

  • Sturgeon Public School Division responds to CUPE Local 4625 and agrees to begin Collective Bargaining 

June 15, 2021

  • CUPE Local 4625 served notice to commence Collective Bargaining

Positions impacted

The support staff group includes:

  • Administrative Assistants (at school locations)
  • Educational Assistants
  • Office Clerks
  • Therapy Assistants
  • Licensed Practical Nurses 
  • Finance Clerks
  • Nutrition Coordinators
  • Lunch Supervisors
  • Library Technicians

Picket lines at schools

Picket lines may make roads more congested at drop-off and pick-up times. Be extra aware of pedestrians if there is a picket line at your school.

Picketing may not occur on Division property and must remain outside the perimeters of the school grounds/Division property. A legal picket line should be peaceful and serve only to impede access to a building, not to deny access, not to threaten, harass, or injure those who need to access the school/building. Individuals wishing to cross a picket line should calmly tell picketers that they have a right to enter the facility and ask the picketer to allow them access. A picket line that results in denial of access to Division property, or is threatening or non-peaceful, or that occurs on Division property, is not a legal picket line. If you observe any of these illegal activities, including any violence, intimidation, or threats, immediately contact 911. 

Communication from the Superintendent

*Individual schools are in regular contact with their families. If you have any questions please connect with your school principal.

Letter to SPS Families - February 7/2025

Please see the attached letter outlining the cease-and-desist application the Division brought forward and the consent order that is now in effect as a result.

Letter to Families - Cease and Desist Application Board File No. GE-09341

Letter to CUPE Local 4625 Staff - January 30/2025

Letter to CUPE Local 4625 Staff

CUPE Strike Full Action - January 13/2025

Please see the attached letter with the latest information we have regarding the strike action from CUPE Local 4625. 

Strike Action Notification

Media Release - January 10/2025

Please see the attached Media Release from Sturgeon Public School Division.

SPS Response to Strike Notice

CUPE Update - January 09/2025

Please see the attached letter with the latest information we have regarding the strike action from CUPE Local 4625.

CUPE Update 01/09/2025

CUPE Update - October 30/2024

Please see the attached letter with the latest information we have regarding the possible labour action from CUPE Local 4625.

CUPE Update 10/30/2024

CUPE Update - October 25/2024

Please see the attached update regarding the possible labour action from CUPE Local 4625 (CUPE).

2024/10/25 Update on CUPE

CUPE Update - October 21/2024

Please see the attached Media Release from Sturgeon Public School Division regarding the CUPE Bargaining Update. 

Bargaining Update (CUPE)

Strike FAQs - SPS Staff

Employee Labour Relations Support Program
New supports are in place to help unionized employees, or employees that may become part of a union, better understand and exercise their rights.

A number of staff members have approached us to seek clarification on information provided by CUPE. Specifically, staff have been questioning their rights during a legal strike and raising concerns about the penalties and fines CUPE has referenced for staff members not wishing to take part in the strike. To provide employees with as much information as possible, we have compiled key questions and answers. This page will be updated periodically, check back for more information:

1. Is it legal to cross a picket line and return to work with the employer?

  • Yes. Employees can decide to return to work at any time. There is no law or legal requirement that prevents an employee from crossing a picket line and engaging in work with the employer during a strike.

2. Will I lose my job once the strike is over if I cross the picket line because the union says I will no longer be ‘in good standing’?

  • No. You will not lose your job if you cross the picket line, but the Union may discourage you from working by threatening fines or imposing discipline.
  • CUPE is prohibited by law from doing anything that would affect your employment, security and your promotional opportunities if you decide to work.

3. Can a union impose a fine or punish its members?

  • We expect that CUPE’s constitution allows for fines. If you are not a member of CUPE, you are in no way bound by their constitution and no action of any kind purporting to fine you can be taken.
  • CUPE cannot collect fines. This position has been made clear in a variety of cases across Canada. So what this practically means, is that they can “fine” you, but they have no way to collect that fine.

4. The Union has told us that anyone who crosses the picket line will have their union dues deducted and the union will use that information to identify picket line crossers. Is that the case?

  • No, the Employer will not deduct union dues from the pay of employees who decide to cross the picket line and work for us. 

Strike FAQs – SPS Families

  1. Specialized Programming and Diverse/Complex Needs Support K-12:
    • Adjustments to programming are necessary. Schools will contact affected families directly. Please reach out to your school principal if you have questions.
  2. Pre-Kindergarten Programming:
    • Morning and afternoon programming is suspended until the CUPE Labour Action is resolved.
  3. Extracurricular Activities:
    • These may be impacted. Each planned experience or activity will be reviewed by the school principal to determine if it can safely continue.
  4. Junior High Athletics and Competition (ISC):
    • Practices are continuing and the regular schedule of Inter School Competitions will resume on January 30th. These activities and their impact on education will continue to be monitored.
  5. Transportation Services:
    • While regular transportation continues, routes may shift over time. Families impacted will be contacted directly. 
    • No Transportation will be provided for Pre-Kindergarten because the program is suspended.
  6. Supervision and Arrival/Departure Procedures:
    • Parents are advised to allow extra time due to potential delays caused by picketing. Designated drop-off areas will be supervised to ensure student safety.
  7. Joint Use:
    • Prescheduled Joint-Use Activities may be able to continue. Each school principal will review the details of the activities, and consider the unique situation of their school to determine if these activities can continue. Further communication will follow directly to groups involved.
  8. Communication:
    • Please follow our usual communication protocols by contacting your child’s teacher for classroom-specific questions or concerns, and your school Principal for questions about school operations.

Budget Highlights

Budget 2022/2023: Acting Superintendent Message

Budget 2023/2024: Superintendent Message

Budget 2024/2025: Superintendent Message

Sturgeon Public School Division Exemption Order

For the duration of Labour Action, the Minister of Education has granted Sturgeon Public Schools, via Ministerial Order, an exemption from the In-Person Learning Regulation.  Administration, in collaboration with our schools, have identified any students with complex needs that require additional support. If that student’s continued attendance for in-person learning may risk the health and safety of that student or other students or staff, that student is exempt from in-person learning. Considering the health and safety at all times, our schools, in collaboration with the family, are trying to make every reasonable effort to have the student attend in person for part of a school day or part of a school week while keeping the health and safety of the student, other students and staff at the core. The Ministerial Order also requires the Board, in consideration of the health and safety of the student or other students or staff, to make reasonable efforts to continue in-person learning for the student by making reasonable efforts to hire qualified staff or enter into contracts for services with qualified third-party providers to perform the support or assistance for the student.

Ministerial Order (#006/2025) In-Person Learning Regulation