Planning and Reporting

School Boards are direction setters. Trustees set the overall direction for our Division through an annual strategic planning process. Through its vision, mission, values and beliefs, the Board of Trustees identifies strategic priorities and goals for our schools and Division. The Board sets the annual budget which determines how resources are allocated to schools and programs.

The Board also provides direction through its policies. This includes planning, developing, implementing and evaluating policy.

Education Plan

In the past, the Education Plan and the Annual Education Results Report were combined into one report. Beginning the 2020-2021 school year, Alberta Education has directed the two reports be separate. The Education Plan must be approved by the Board and posted on the Division website by May 31 each year and the Annual Education Results Report must be approved and posted on the website by November 30.


The Division's Education Plan articulates the Board's approved outcomes, measures and strategies to meet our priority of Student Achievement. Using key insights from the Annual Education Results Report, the Division's Education Plan directs the work in schools and at a system level. 

To access the latest documentation, please refer to the designated Education Plan section on our website.

Division Budget and Financial Statements

The Board sets the overall annual budget, which determines how resources are allocated to schools and programs. This budget is set to correspond with the strategic priorities and goals set by division schools and administration.

To access the latest documentation, please refer to the designated Finance & Capital Plans section on our website.  

Policy Development and Review

The Board of Trustees and Sturgeon Public Schools are guided by a specific set of policies, which are set in place by the Board. This includes planning, developing, implementing and evaluating policy.

A policy is an instrument of governance that sets out the Board’s philosophy and provides the framework and overarching guidelines for the operation of the school system and the actions of the Board’s employees.

View Sturgeon Public School’s policies

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