Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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215: Organization Chart


The Board of Trustees, which is responsible for providing high quality educational programs for students, acknowledges the necessity of discharging this responsibility through a wellordered administrative and management structure. 2.0


2.1 The Superintendent of Schools, as the Chief Executive and Educational Officer for the division, is responsible for the effective functioning of an appropriate administrative and management structure within the budget guidelines established by the Board.

2.2 The Board expects the Superintendent to keep the management structure current and able to respond to the changing needs of the school system.

2.3 To this end, the Superintendent may re-organize lines of authority and revise the Organizational Chart, subject to Board approval. Any permanent changes to the Organization Chart shall be implemented only upon Board approval.

2.4 Additional staff positions may be added on a temporary basis, from time to time, as required and as approved by the Superintendent, and as advised to the Board.

2.5 All division employees are accountable to the Superintendent. The Superintendent is accountable to the Board of Trustees.


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2019 Mar 27 Initial Approval
2020 Jan 29 Amended
2021 Oct 27 Reviewed
2022 Jun 22 Amended