We are proud to offer a Home Education program that is dedicated to the individual growth and success of each child. We recognize the ongoing involvement and support by the parent in their child’s education represents a critical contribution to a child’s learning. We trust in this primacy of parents as educators of their children, and we are committed to partnering with parents in the unique learning journey of each student within our program.
The Parent Directed home Education Program in Sturgeon Public Schools is designed for parents who wish to be primarily responsible for offering an education program to their child. The parents are responsible for developing, administering, managing and evaluating the progress of the student, and maintaining a record of those studies for their children. Whether a child’s learning plan adheres to the Alberta Program of Studies or the General Learning Outcomes (Home Education Regulation 89/2019), we invite you to review the additional information below and email spva@sturgeon.ab.ca for further information.
SPS Home Education Handbook Home Education FAQ
Additional Resources
Home Education Notification Form Alberta Education Fillable PDF
Home Education Learning Plan Template AB Programs Of Study
Home Education Learning Plan Template Schedule
Home Education Reimbursement Request Form