Plans, Reports & Documents

Assurance Reporting

Sturgeon Public Schools reports performance on required Alberta Education Assurance Measures (AEAMs) and additional locally identified measures, and the actions we have taken to meet our responsibilities in each domain in the Annual Education Results Report (AERR) and use the results to develop and/or update the Education Plan. These components with the combination of standard and context-specific information help provide a balanced and holistic account of student growth and success at Sturgeon Public Schools.

Engaging with key stakeholders is critical in the development and implementation of the Education Plan and AERR. Sturgeon Public Schools hosts online engagements through ThoughtExchange with parents and staff, and surveys all students from grade 4 to 12 and all staff with questions concerning engagement, rigour, supports in school, and professional learning opportunities.

The results of these engagements are reported each year to the Board as part of the AERR and the strategies to improve outcomes are part of the Education Plan. Both of these foundational documents can be found here.

Annual Education Results Report

Education Plan

Finance and Capital Plans

Current and historic audited financial statements, budget reports, Capital and IMR priorities can be found here.

Finance & Capital Plans

Stakeholder Feedback

In addition to the AERR and Education plan, larger Stakeholder Engagements are summarized and reported here to improve communication and build assurance to each of our our stakeholder groups.

Stakeholder Feedback