Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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200: Process for Policy Work

Responsible Administrator: Superintendent


A process for policy development is required in order for Sturgeon Public Schools to ensure an effective and efficient governance the public trust that is public education.


1. The requirement to revise or create a new policy is identified by the Board of Trustees or the Superintendent.

2. Administration researches legal or regulatory information to the proposed revisions or new policy.

3. Administration develops a draft document of the policy for review.

4. The draft policy and/or revisions are recommended to the Board for consideration and direction.

5. Administration forwards the revised or new draft policy to appropriate stakeholders for input, as directed by the Board.

6. Input from appropriate stakeholders is considered and a final version is drafted.

6.1 Administration reviews any input collected.

6.2 Administration develops the final draft.

6.3 The final draft is forwarded to the Board of Trustees for discussion and direction.


Board Policy: 240 Policy Development


2020 Jan 29 Initial Approval