Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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815: Outreach Programs


The Board recognizes that it has a responsibility to ensure students have access to an education program according to the Education Act. The Board believes that Outreach Programs provide an alternative to regular school programs and services for resident High School students, who for a variety of reasons, find that regular school programs and services do not meet their needs.


2.1 The Board delegates the Superintendent or designate the responsibility of establishing and monitoring operational procedures to provide alternate learning opportunities when required.

2.2 The Division Outreach Program is consistent with the Alberta Education Outreach Programs Handbook.

2.3 The primary goal of Outreach Programs is to assist students to complete high school or upgrade high school course marks.


Education Act: 3, 11(1)
Alberta Education Outreach Programs Handbook
Administrative Procedure AP 855 – Alternate Programming and Learning Opportunities


2021 Feb 24 Initial Approval
2021 Oct 27 Reviewed