Board Policies and Administrative Procedures

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870: Exhibit 1 - Responsible Use of Technology Resources Protocol Staff

Date: August 10, 2021

Responsible Administrator: Associate Superintendent Corporate Services


Sturgeon Public Schools provides staff with technology resources that support teaching, learning or administrative operations.  Technology resources refers to all resources on the Division network of including, but not limited to, Internet access,e-mail accounts, installed software, personal file storage areas and all hardware attached to the network.


  • All technology resources are intended for education and administrative use.
  • As the owner of all technology resources, The Division retains the right to monitor their use.
  • The use of technology resources is subject to all policies and procedures of both the Division and individual schools/sites related to technology, property or conduct.


  • Staff are expected to use technology resources to further the mission of the Division.  Personal use of these resources is NOT permitted.
  • Staff will ensure that publishing of any personal information about themselves or other network users on the Internet or in publicly viewed files meets the FOIP guidelines established by the Division.
  • Staff who discover inappropriate material on the network are expected to advise their school administrator and/or the Associate Superintendent Corporate Services.
  • Staff will use their assigned login only in the manner intended. This includes accessing only network resources assigned to their login.  Staff will not use another person’s files, output, or credentials.
  • Staff are responsible for the security of access (login and password) to their network resources and will not share the credentials with anyone.
  • In order to protect personal and corporate identities, staff must adhere to the password protocol which includes password history limitations and password age, length and complexity
  • Staff will not decrease the operation of or access to technology resources through inappropriate use of technology resources, malicious activity directed against technology resources or through unauthorized use of personal program/data files.
  • Staff will follow the procedures in AP 300 Security of Personal and Division Information and AP 870 Responsible Use of Technology Resources.
  • Consequences of inappropriate use of technology resources could include loss of network privileges, suspension, financial liability for damages, disciplinary or legal action.
  • In the event of damage to a resource, the school or department will be responsible for the cost of the repair, remediation or replacement (whichever is deemed most feasible) of the resource(s) that is/are damaged. It is at the discretion of the Principal or head of the department if the cost is to be transferred to the individual responsible for the damage.

Examples of Technology Resources


Below are examples of what items fall under the classification of technology resources:


Desktop PC Computers




Document cameras

Digital camera



Media/DVD player

Mobile phones

Hallway displays


iPads and other tablets

Gymnasium audio/visual equipment

Web cameras

Interactive Displays – LOFT

Desktop phones


Multimedia Projectors




I understand and agree to follow the conditions of this Responsible Use Protocol. I have read AP 300 and AP 870 and understand the procedures.

Staff Member (Print): ______________________________________________

Staff Member Signature: ______________________________________________

Date: ____________________


Admin Procedure:

300 Security of Personal and Division Information
721 Teachers and Professional Development
727 Support Staff and Professional Development
865 Information and Communication Technology